A boutique cigar association managed and operated by cigar industry manufacturers and professionals, who own small and family-owned boutique cigar companies in America.
Intertabac 2018 was this past week in Dortmund, Germany. Kafie 1901 Cigars was in attendance and part of the German Pasion Puro Cigar Distribution company. What a great event and excellent opportunity to meet distributors and retailers from all over the...
This coming Saturday, Dr. Gaby Kafie will be visiting with Kiss My Ash Radio. Tune in live … Episode 307 will be live. Catch us on Facebook, Twitter, and http://www.kmatalkradio.com
A special look into the life of Dr. Gaby Kafie. For those of you that want to know more. My journey from physician to cigar maker was not planned. But it was my destiny.