A boutique cigar association managed and operated by cigar industry manufacturers and professionals, who own small and family-owned boutique cigar companies in America.
All cigar production with our manufacturing partners Tabacalera Puros Aliados for Kafie 1901 Cigars brand has ceased. Our company and family will issue a Press Release statement to divulge our future plans to further strengthen our future. Thank you for your...
The Cigarobsession – Cigar Review with Bryan Glynn I would like to take the time to say “thank you” to Bryan Glynn of Cigarobsession for taking his time to review one of our cigars. You were very kind in the review. I...
THE BEST DAMN CIGAR SHOW – Host: Brad Berko, Guest: Dr. Gaby Kafie discuss FDA matters This past Sunday, Gaby Kafie had the great honor of being a guest on the finest Cigar Show on the west coast. Topic of discussion was brick and mortar shops, boutique...